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Autographes et lettres reçus de Robert Englund
(page 2 sur 21):
Actor Robert Englund,success - 06 février 2023
Sent LOR, SASE and 1 6x8 photo to Robert England on 1/20/23 using address in database. Got back my photo unsigned but included his own signed in silver card plus a couple of flyers.
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Robert Englund Success - 11 décembre 2022
Sent a LOR and SASE on 11/12/22 and got a signed card on 12/10/22! It's the same card other users have posted. Pretty cool! Address used: Robert Englund Mail Stop Inc. 1278 Glenneyre PMB 73 Laguna Beach CA, 92651
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Robert Englund Success - 31 octobre 2022 Sent to address on file came back quick Robert Englund Mail Stop Inc. 1278 Glenneyre PMB 73 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA
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Robert Englund Success! - 26 septembre 2022
Sent 2 Freddy 8x10's to Robert Englund on July 14th and Received back this postcard singed, along with a letter saying he sells Autographs on the 26th of Sept! Current address used: Robert Englund Mail Stop Inc. 1278 Glenneyre PMB 73 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA
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ROBERT ENGLUND OLD SUCCESS - 17 septembre 2022
Sent: 08/2021 Received: 01/2022 - 1 signed photo Robert Englund Mail Stop Inc. 1278 Glenneyre PMB 73 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA
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